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[7/11/2024]πŸ“œTwo of our papers were accepted to ECCV 2024: latentSplat and iNeMo: Incremental Neural Mesh Models for Robust Class-Incremental Learning.
[5/6/2024]πŸŽ‰Eddy Ilg became an area chair for NeurIPS.
[5/3/2024]πŸ“œOur paper Neuroexplicit Diffusion Models for Inpainting of Optical Flow Fields was accepted to ICML.
[3/25/2024]πŸ“œOur State-of-the-Art Report on Recent Trends in 3D Reconstruction of General Non-Rigid Scenes was accepted to the Eurographics (STAR) and Computer Graphics Forum 2024.
[3/20/2024]πŸ“œFour of our papers were accepted to CVPR 2024: Neural Point Cloud Diffusion for Disentangled 3D Shape and Appearance Generation, Neural Parametric Gaussians for Non-Rigid Reconstruction, Unsupervised Learning of Category-Level 3D Pose from Object-Centric Videos, and Accurate Training Data for Occupancy Map Prediction in Automated Driving using Evidence Theory.
[3/20/2024]πŸŽ“Kevin Raj completed his Master’s thesis.
[3/13/2024]πŸŽ“Devikalyan Das completed his Master’s thesis.
[2/17/2024]🀝Ahsan Jalil joined the lab for his Master’s thesis.
[2/16/2024]🀝Kunwar Singh joined the lab as a student assistant.
[2/12/2024]πŸŽ“Nikhil Paliwal, Tomas Amado, and Suraj Sudhakar have completed their Master’s theses.
[1/28/2024]🀝Xiaojie Zhang, Hevra Petekkaya, and Aishwarya Kshirsagar joined the lab as student assistants.
[12/23/2023]πŸ”­The lab currently has two open PhD positions and one open PostDoc position!
[12/21/2023]πŸ“„Our work on Neural Point Cloud Diffusion is now on arXiv.
[12/21/2023]πŸ“„Our work on Neural Parametric Gaussians for Non-Rigid Reconstruction is now on arXiv.
[11/23/2023]πŸ“œOur work on Quantum-Hybrid Stereo Matching was accepted to 3DV 2024.
[10/30/2023]πŸŽ‰Eddy Ilg became an area chair for ECCV.
[9/8/2023]πŸ“œOur SimNP work was accepted to ICCV 2023 and is available on arXiv.
[7/11/2023]πŸ“šThe lab will offer the new lectures “3D Computer Vision” and “3D Real World Modeling and Inference” in upcoming winter and summer semesters.
[7/11/2023]πŸ”­The lab is looking for a co-founder for a startup on “3D Visual Product Search”
[7/11/2023]πŸ”­We are looking for Hiwis and Tutors to hold the 3D Vision lecture.
[7/1/2023]🀝Cameron Braunstein got accepted into the RTG on RTG 2853 Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision, and Action as a PhD student and will be cosupervised by Eddy Ilg and Mariya Toneva.
[7/1/2023]🀝Navdeepal Singh joins the lab as a Master’s Student.
[5/8/2023]πŸŽ‰Our DFG Research Training Group “RTG 2853 Neuroexplicit Models of Language, Vision, and Action” was accepted and Eddy Ilg is one of the PIs. See the press release here.
[5/1/2023]🀝Jonas KÀlble joined the lab as en external PhD student at the Bosch Center for Artificial Intelligence.
[4/17/2023]🀝Pranay Raj joined the lab for Master’s thesis.
[4/12/2023]πŸŽ‰Eddy Ilg became AE of TPAMI.
[2/1/2023]🀝Sohaib Zahid joined the lab for Master’s thesis.
[1/2/2023]🀝Suraj Sudhakar and Kevin Raj are starting their Master’s thesis, cosupervised by Eddy Ilg and Raza Yunus.
[12/15/2022]🀝Raza Yunus joins the lab as a PhD student.
[11/18/2022]πŸŽ‰Eddy Ilg became ELLIS Unit Faculty, allowing him to be a first supervisor and recruit through ELLIS.
[11/15/2022]🀝Tomas Amado, Cameron Braunstein and Devikalyan Das are joining the lab as Master’s students.
[10/1/2022]πŸŽ‰Eddy Ilg became area chair for BMVC and CVPR.
[9/4/2022]πŸ”­The lab has open positions for PhDs and PostDocs.
[5/8/2022]🀝Suraj Sudhakar and Kevin Raj are joining the lab as Hiwis.
[8/16/2022]πŸ“šThe lab will offer a seminar on “3D Representations for Deep Learning in Computer Vision” in the upcoming winter semester 2022/23 – see the guest lecture on the upcoming Friday.
[6/7/2022]πŸŽ‰Eddy Ilg was awarded the professorship at Saarland University.
[5/25/2022]πŸŽ‰Eddy Ilg became an ELLIS member.
[5/8/2022]πŸ”­The lab has an open Hiwi Position.
[5/8/2022]🀝Tom Fischer and Nikhil Paliwal are joining the lab for their Master’s thesis.
[4/27/2022]πŸŽ‰The lab became a Continual AI Unit.
[3/2/2022]πŸ“œNinjaDesc has been accepted to CVPR 2022.
[2/28/2022]πŸ“„Our paper on explicit radiance field reconstruction without deep learning is available on arXiv.
[10/15/2021]πŸ“œOur paper on mitigating reverse engineering attacks on local feature descriptors was accepted to BMVC.
[7/29/2020]πŸ“œOur paper on domain adaptation of learned features for visual localization was accepted to BMVC.
[7/7/2020]πŸ“œOur paper on tight learned inertial odometry was accepted to RAL/IROS.
[7/3/2020]πŸ“œOur paper on deep local shapes was accepted to ECCV.